450 size track hoes with attachments1200-330 size hoes with attachments260d and 70 size mini hoe with attachments2D6R with ripper1D6N with ripper1D5H with winch1650j dozers with rippers2140g grader1140h grader1160h grader1262c2 skid steer with attachments1289 skid steers with attachments2299 skid steer with attachment1Loaders with buckets4Truck and triaxle trailer1Gravel trucks9Quad wagons4Tri pup1Tandem pups4Ri pintle equipment trailer1Walk behind packers and remote operated packers3Ride on packers smooth and sheep’s foot4Portable welders2Portable air compressor and generator115 kW generator1Asphalt paver1Compactor drum roller1